We help you to find job comfortably and quickly!

You want to work and get experience abroad but finding the right job is time-consuming and complicated: searching for companies interested, sending loads of CV-s, writing tons of motivation letters, making lot of calls, attending interviews and endless waiting for answers?
What if we said that with us you do not need to go through all those procedures?

With us:

  • You fill your form in our database
  • We’ll find out Your expectations and conditions
  • We find the best potential companies for You and negotiate for Your best interests

Leave it all with us – we have 14 years of experience and lots of international contacts.

How does job seeking process look like?

Why to trust us with this process?


Easy to adapt


We know how difficult it is to adapt and find accommodation in a foreign country!

After we get a positive decision about your candidacy, we help you to arrange accommodation and solve any questions regarding it.

Flexible schedule

Time is money

Flexible schedule

We help you find a job with suitable schedule.
Let us know about how You expect to work – long-term; short-term, shifts etc.


We take care for You


Don’t worry about what will happen if job will turn out not suitable for you. We will organize whole communication and documentation correctly. If the reason of leaving is legitimate, we will look for a new job for you.


We stick together!


Seeking for job is time-consuming and includes a lot of paperwork. We will ease process for you and make it as comfortable as possible.

Send us Your CV:

  • Max. file size: 2 GB.

or fill in the form: